in.touch ic

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So much more than just a professional application, a smarter way to work with remote supervision!

The iOS and Android editions of the in.touch ic app for hot tub professionals are available to download from the App Store and Google Play.


In just a few clicks on your smartphone, scan all the hot tubs connected to your installed base on your in.touch ic app dashboard. Color status codes and signal strength icons give you real-time info on the status of each of them.


Detect and correct customer problems even before they notice them, or immediately access all pertinent info about their hot tubs when they call. For real professional and proactive technical service wherever you may be.


From your smartphone (with in.touch ic) to theirs (with in.touch 2), you can ask customers permission to access their hot tubs and quickly get the info you need to remotely identify, troubleshoot and resolve problems.


Discover everything about the in.touch ic


Get ready to watch Gecko’s products in action!

in.touch ic : IC All

In just a few clicks on your smartphone, scan all connected spas and hot tubs of your installed base on your in.touch ic app dashboard. Color status codes and signal strength icons give you a real-time info on the status of each of them.

in.touch ic: IC Now

From your smartphone (with in.touch ic) to theirs (with in.touch 2), you can ask customers permission to access their spas and quickly get the info you need to remotely identify, trouble shoot and resolve problems on their spas.

in.touch ic: IC You

Detect and correct customer problems even before they notice them or immediately access all pertinent info about their spas when customers call, for real professional and proactive technical service wherever you may be.

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