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The most comprehensive LED system for hot tubs

The cables and LED light system were designed not only to be the perfect companions to the in.mix 300 lighting console but also to dramatically ease the whole process of installing cables, lights and other equipment required to light up your hot tub.


The system consists of loop, spyder and cluster cables with high-intensity RGB LED lights.

The’s loop cables with four (at every 96″) or eight (at every 48″) T-shaped connectors cleanly adapt to the contour of any size hot tub. The four or six LED spyder cables and cluster of nine LEDs can then be connected and positioned in clean layouts inside or outside the hot tub to create the desired lighting ambiance.


The cleverly designed, sturdy and water-resistant connectors (IPX5), spyder and cluster cables can easily be connected to loop cables. Loops eliminate the need to daisy chain cables, minimize voltage drops and guarantee optimal LED intensities. The also features bigger wire-gauge cables and more LEDs in hot tubs.

Once connected to in.mix, gives users complete control on colors and effects. Settings can be modified with in.k1000, in.k800 and in.k500 keypads or a smartphone running the in.touch 2 app.


Put together, in.mix 300, cables and LED lights are simply the most comprehensive lighting system for hot tubs. Simply connect the loop cables to the in.mix 300 control box zone connectors. The is easy to install, requires no adapters, offers total flexibility, more points of lights and an infinite selection of colors through multiple clean configurations.


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