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  • Sanitation

  • Applications

  • Control systems

    • How do I set the filter cycle (k9, k18, in.k35 and in.k200 keypads)?
      • Press and hold the Light key until the display shows dxx, xx, which represents the duration in hours. Use the Up and Down keys to change the setting. Press the Light key again. The display will show Fx, x, representing the number of filter cycles per day. Use the Up or Down keys to change the setting.

    • What should I do when the pump 4 or 5 buttons are not working on the in.k600-5OP topside?
      • There is currently only one keypad overlay for the in.k600-5OP, and on some hot tub pack software versions, pumps 4 and 5 will be moved to the upper right and bottom right buttons on the topside instead of the left and right arrows in the center of the keypad.

        If the left and right buttons in the center of the keypad are not operating pumps 4 and 5, try pressing the key on the upper right and the key on the bottom right of the keypad.

    • Where do I find the product ID of an in.yt control system?
      • The ID number of an in.yt pack will always start with 0610- and can be found on the label on the front of the hot tub pack enclosure.

    • How do I change my pack from 120v to 240v?
      • For a 120v-to-240v conversion, please refer to the wiring diagram on the inside of the cover of the hot tub pack for electrical input requirements and heater connection. Also make sure to adjust the breaker/current setting to 80% of the GFCI installed.

  • Keypads

    • How do I set the low-level programming?
      • Note that this process does not apply to in.k500, in.k800 and in.k1000 keypads.

        1. Press and hold the pump 1 button for 30-40 seconds. DO NOT RELEASE the button until you see L or LL on the display. If the control is new and already shows the L or LL on the display, simply skip this step.
        2. Use the Up/Down buttons to change the selection # 3- Press the Light button or Filter Programming button to confirm the selection
    • How to modify the LL “low level” programming on the in.k1000 keypad?
    • What is the unlock code for the in.k1000/1001, in.k800, in.k500 series keypad?
      • Depending on the configuration of the hot tub controller, a code may be required to change the electrical settings. The code is 5555.

    • How do I turn on/off smart winter mode?
      • The smart winter mode is an automatic mode that will start/stop automatically on its own if needed. The trigger is a temperature of 68F where the control box sits in the spa (not the temperature of the water). This mode is always enabled, and it cannot be disabled manually. It will turn off automatically 24 hours after it started if the temperature is warmed up and raised above the trigger.

    • What does the snowflake icon mean?
      • When the snowflake icon appears, it means the smart winter mode is activated.

    • Can I change the customization settings of economy mode?
      • You cannot change or customize the economy mode settings. When enabled, economy mode will lower the current set point by a fixed value of 20 degrees Fahrenheit (or 11 degrees Celsius). Note that the minimum set point will remain at 59F (or 15C) even if economy mode is enabled.

    • How do I turn the economy mode on or off?
      • The in.k200 keypads do not support the economy mode.

  • Pumps

    • What type of seal is used on MS-1?
      • The MS-1 pumps use Gecko’s low friction Universeal seal.

    • What size plumbing does my pump have?
      • You can find that by measuring the outside diameter of the inlet and outlet of a pump. Please make sure to measure both inlet and outlet. It is possible for them to be two different sizes.

        • A measurement of approximately 2″ 3/8 is for a 1.5″ inlet or outlet.
        • A measurement of approximately 3″ is for a 2″ inlet or outlet.
        • A measurement of approximately 3″ 5/8 is for a 2.5″ inlet or outlet.
    • How do I remove the impeller?
    • How do I rotate the wet end?
    • How do I wire my pump cable?
      • Always refer to the manufacturer’s wiring diagram found on the motor.

  • Accessories

    • Where can I purchase the in.clear or Bromicharge in Canada?
      • Bromicharge (sodium bromide used with the in.clear system) was sold in Canada until the end of November 2020.

        It is now no longer available in Canada due to the new Health Canada regulations prohibiting the use of bromine generators in hot tubs and swimming pools.

        As Gecko must comply with these new regulations, products associated with in.clear are no longer available for sale in Canada.

        At this time, Gecko does not manufacture any other water sanitation system. We recommend that you contact your hot tub dealer for other ways to sanitize your water.

    • What is the in.stream 2 PIN/pairing code?
      • The PIN/Pairing code number to pair your device to the in.stream 2 is 5555.

    • How can I pair or re-pair my in.touch 2 modules?
      • If you need to replace a transmitter or pair your transmitters again, power up the home transmitter and press on its pairing button with a paper clip. The status light of the transmitter will blink yellow. Then, shut off the hot tub’s breaker to turn off the transmitter. Wait a few moments and turn the breaker back on. Pairing will then be completed and both transmitter status lights will turn to blue.

    • How do I recover or change my in.touch 2 password?
      • If you signed out of the app and don’t remember the password that was initially used to create your account, you will need need to use the “Forgot password?” option.

        1. Choose the “Forgot password?” option on the login page
        2. Go to your email inbox (make sure to check your spam folder), find the email received from in.touch 2 and select the link in the email. This link will take you to a page asking you to create a new password for your in.touch 2 account. You will then be able to sign in with your new password on the in.touch 2 app.
    • What are the “push” notifications sent by the in.touch 2 app?
      • The in.touch 2 app will notify you if:

        1. One of the two transmitters has not been working or if the communication has been lost between the two transmitters for more than three hours.
        2. A flow status error on your hot tub has been displayed for more than two hours.
    • Is my hot tub compatible with in.touch 2?
      • The in.touch 2 is compatible with any hot tub equipped with Gecko’s Y and X series control systems manufactured in or after 2013.

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